About us

Welcome to the homepage of the Berlin-based »Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music« (german: Forschungsstelle Appmusik). We are part of the University of the Arts Berlin, located at the Berlin University Career College and associated with the Master Sound Studies course.

This website offers a platform for cooperations and networking. Hence all readers are encouraged to use the comments function for providing opinions, initiate discussion and give suggestions. Our Blog intends to provide insight into our current activities and projects. It will also introduce a couple of music projects with apps realized by various artists.

According to the idea of open science, contents of research shall be communicated more broadly, to make scientific processes accessible and intelligible to all interested parties and to adress both scientists, practitioners and artists. In close collaboration with various partners results obtained from research are integrated into formal and informal educational offerings. Conversely our partners contribute their expertise and experiences to research, thus maximizing synergy effects of positive mutual influence. The »Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music« aims at interdisciplinary cooperations with scientists and practitioners.

The basic objective of the »Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music« is to systematize the hardly explored field of forms of musical practice with apps, identify connections to current trends in contemporary art and music and explore social dimensions and impact on music education. Furthermore we seek to communicate scientific contents more broadly, help all interested parties understand the scientific processes and involve both, partners in science and the realm of practice.

Meet the team

Matthias Krebs

Research fellow

+49 177 737 3939

… is an app musician, music and media pedagogue and research fellow at the Berlin University of the Arts. He is the founder and leader of the DigiEnsemble Berlin. His dissertation deals with the learning processes digital instruments.

Marc Godau

Research fellow

+49 176 8247 5797

… is a musician, music pedagogue, workshop leader for popular music and app music and research fellow at the Berlin University of the Arts. His dissertation dicusses self-directed group learning in the music classroom as formal learning context.

Our office

Universität der Künste Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12, Berlin, room 147