press release

November 30, 2014

app2music awarded with the Dieter-Baacke-Preis

Award for mobile music making workshops »app2music«, as part of the »Research Center for Mobile Music Making« at the Berlin University of the Arts. This year’s Dieter-Baacke-award in the category »Projects with Young Adults« was given to »app2music – Mobile Music Making Workshops at Berlin Schools«. The award was named after one of the most important german media pedagogue of the 20th century. Nationwide, the GMK (society for media literacy and communication culture) and the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, award exemplary projects in the field of social and cultural […]
October 29, 2014

TOUCH:MUSIC – New Project For Classes With Certificates

The new project of the Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music. »TOUCH:MUSIC« is the new project of the »Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music« at the Berlin University of the Arts, which was founded by Matthias Krebs at Berlin Career College in association with the master degree course Sound Studies.   Arranged by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), TOUCH:MUSIC is a project of the Berlin University of the Arts in cooperation with the Bundesakadmie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel, which will develop a training program for musicians within […]