May 25, 2017
Apps in music education1

Workshop at Berlin Summer University of the Arts 2017

Artists, designers, musicians and creative minds around the globe – the Berlin Summer University of the Arts is your destination in the summer for every interest and academic need. Choose from a wide selection of workshops in all artistic disciplines – Music, Design, Performing Arts and Fine Arts – all at the heart of Germany’s biggest and most inspiring city.   In this program, the Research Center for Mobile Music Making & App Music brings in their tAPP certificate course. Apps in Music Education in 2017 The deadlines for registration are ending soon. Don’t miss your chance! […]
August 29, 2016

Mobile Music in the Making 2017 / Call for Papers

International symposium. „Perspectives of musical and cultural education and app music“   //// 10th − 11th March 2017 at the Berlin University of the Arts //// Smartphones and tablets have become essential for music in our everyday life: we listen to music, make our own playlists, watch music videos, use tuning apps as tools, compose or play with apps in ensembles or bands, etc. Mobile phone applications as a teaching tool find themselves at the epicenter of an ongoing debate over reforms in our educational system. On one hand, these apps are regarded as a panacea […]
August 26, 2016

App-Kids: Making Music With Tablets In The Kindergarten

A friend of ours, who is a mother and teacher, recently asked us for advice concerning a suitable use of media for children. She said she did not want her two-year old child to use a smartphone too early in life. However, she became curious about apps when she saw videos on facebook and youtube where music was made with apps, just like with traditional instruments. Furthermore, she also found numerous music apps for children in the app store. Now she was faced with the dilemma of either buying a xylophone or a xylophone app for […]
June 3, 2016

Invitation to an App Music Blog Carnival

What does app music mean? How do people make music with apps? These and other related questions are fundamental for the research on musical practices with apps. Besides established forms of art using musical apps, there is a lack of empirical research of musical learning with apps. This is the reason for us initiating this call for a blog parade which aims at dealing with this topic from different perspectives.   A short video of three students working with the app PlayGround serves as the blog parade’s basis for discussion. It was filmed at the TINCON where […]